リプレイ鑑賞会記録 Yu-miya's Replay Party Index

毎週日曜日14時開催の東方原作リプレイ鑑賞会の記録です。This blog is index of Yu-miya's touhou replay party. It'll be held on Sundays 14:00 JST (GMT+9)

7/9 Touhou Replay Party Index

  1. KIS’s th12 lunatic Reimu-B score attack
  2. Kasochi’s th13 2nd character extra clear Marisa
  3. yuuten’s th6 Reimu-B score attack
  4. kawasemi’s th11 first easy no bomb clear and shot type first clear Marisa-B
  5. kikagaku’s th6 LNB aiming for LNN Reimu-B
  6. yahoobb’s th12 6th shot type first clear Marisa-B
  7. Denshi’s th14 easy first NB clear Reimu-B
  8. saladin’s th13 lunatic 3rd character clear Sanae
  9. AL’s th6 LNB Reimu-B
  10. Yuu’s th11 lunatic Marisa-C second clear
  11. nekopi’s th12 first LNB clear Reimu-B
  12. mazakura’s th12 normal no bombs, ventras and extends clear Reimu-A
  13. satoimo’s th7 first LNB Reimu-B
  14. yuyukou’s th14 normal Sakuya-B scoring stage 2
  15. moyu’s th6 first lunatic clear Reimu-A
  16. yuuka’s th10 hard first clear Reimu-C
  17. Riu’s th10 extra first no death clear Reimu-C
  18. edamame’s th15 lunatic Sanae get all chapter bonuses 29 deaths 93 bombs
  19. mischist’s th9 hard Mystia vs Mystia endurance race
  20. wefmaika’s th13 hard Reimu first clear with no bombs