リプレイ鑑賞会記録 Yu-miya's Replay Party Index

毎週日曜日14時開催の東方原作リプレイ鑑賞会の記録です。This blog is index of Yu-miya's touhou replay party. It'll be held on Sundays 14:00 JST (GMT+9)

鑑賞会の手引き Party Guidebook


English Guidebook is below Japanese text.




リプレイ鑑賞会記録 Replay Party Records (このブログです)




"PureSign" touhou replay uploader(推奨)

"PureSign" touhou replay uploader

スカイプ toho_yumiya
メール toho_yumiya@icloud.com
Discord ゆーみや(yu-miya)#9473
















みんなのリプレイ鑑賞会参加プレイヤー名鑑 Wiki*








特に 永夜抄のAルートBルートと天空璋の季節はアップローダに表示される情報では把握できず、ゲームを起動してリプレイ一覧を見ないと確認できないものなので。








If you'd like to join, apply to join! It's mandatory!

Here's a blog where you can check the order and content every so often, and also check the rules

Yu-miya's Replay Party Index (this blog)


Sundays at 2:00 p.m. (GMT+9) is a regular replay party. Let's watch each other's replays!
Basically this is for the original Windows version (including the demo version).


Send your replay files to

"PureSign" touhou replay uploader (recommended)

LunarCast Replay Database

skype toho_yumiya
Email toho_yumiya@icloud.com
Discord ゆーみや(yu-miya)#9473


Uncleared, practice, or stories, as long as it's something you worked on! Only no-shots (including bosses) are not allowed because they take too much time. Any difficulty level is fine, of course!

No unauthorized replays of other people's replays, no malicious replays using cheat tools, and no replays that were taken after one random playthrough.


You can use thprac. Mods like spoilerAL are open to regular players only. It's all about showing off the fruits of your labor.

As for the secondary works, it is OK for regulars to bring in their own works "occasionally" as long as they are free.

If you have any questions, please ask the distributor.

Respect the replay file, it's the result of your efforts!


Also, if you're playing your own replays, please watch some of the others, it's a win-win situation!

It's been a long time coming, but let's just have fun!



Here you can see a list of all the replays submitted by players who have participated in the event so far.

みんなのリプレイ鑑賞会参加プレイヤー名鑑 Wiki*


If you wish to upload your replays to the Touhou Replay Uploader or Lunarcast, please write in the comment field Name, Final-A or B, Season. I'd be grateful if you could include them.



If you upload a file with a different name, the file name will be changed by the website when I download it. So be sure to write it in the comment section.


Reasons of internationalise our party, see below a few lines;

1. Nowatime Touhou project is known worldwide
2. Foreign players has came to our party many times
3. By localizing to English, foreign players may feel easy to come our party
4. If many players come to us, I think it will be fun more and more

so that, I dicided to be active to accept players from worldwide.
______________written on July 2nd 2016, promotor yu-miya